The Health Staff beheaded the newborn, leaving it in the Womb of a Pak Hindu Woman.

KARACHI: Staff at a rural health center in Pakistan's Sindh Province beheaded a newborn baby for medical negligence, endangering the life of a 32-year-old Hindu woman.

This tragic incident forced the Sindh government to get to the bottom of the matter and form a Medical Inquiry Board to trace the culprits.

"The Bheel Hindu woman, who hails from a remote village in Tharparkar district, had earlier visited a rural health center (RHC) in her area but there was no female ophthalmologist available," the professor said. Said, ". Raheel Sikandar, who heads the gynecology unit at Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences (LUMHS) in Jamshoro.

RHC staff beheaded the newborn in the mother's womb and left him for complex surgery on Sunday, he said.

The woman succumbed to her injuries and was rushed to a nearby hospital where treatment was not available. He said that finally, his family brought him to LUMHS where the body of the newborn was removed from the mother's womb and his life was saved.

Sikandar said the baby's head was stuck inside and the mother's uterus has ruptured to save his life, he had to open his stomach and remove his head through surgery.

This terrible mistake forced the Director General of Sindh Health Services, Dr. Jamun Bahuto, to order a separate inquiry into the matter.

He said the inquiry committees would look into what happened, especially the absence of ophthalmologists and female staff at the RHC in Chhacharo.

Inquiry committees will also review reports that the woman had to undergo the trauma of making her video while lying on a stretcher.

"Some staff members took pictures of her on a mobile phone in Guinea Ward and shared the photos in various WhatsApp groups,"

